CoboMover CMF

Linear axis for FANUC cobots

Constructed and optimized for the positioning/moving of cobots. For the construction of the linear axes, particular attention is paid to ensure:

•  Clamping or pinch points were avoided as far as possible (ready for collaboration)
•  Compact design for use in the most narrow of spaces, few interference contours
•  Versatility in use: suitable fastening on welding table with 100 mm pitch
•  Long service life and low maintenance effort

The CoboMover linear axis can be used to extend the range of a cobot. With the use of a seventh axis, this can extend its working range by up to five meters or increase a cobot capacity by allowing it to take on additional tasks or serve several workstations.


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Positioning axis

CoboMover CMF – To extend the working range of cobots

The Güdel CoboMover linear axis is used to extend the working range of a cobot up to 5 meters. This allows it to operate several workstations and take on additional tasks. The CoboMover, developed and built in Switzerland, performs reliable work in the areas of welding, machine loading and machine operation. Other possible applications include packaging and palletizing goods.

CMF compatibility with FANUC cobots

The CoboMover CMF is compatible with the following FANUC cobots


• CRX-5iA

• CRX-10iA

• CRX-10iAL

• CRX-20iA/L


Linear Track Selection Tool

Find the right CoboMover for your FANUC cobot.


Factsheet CoboMover

Download our latest CoboMover factsheet (PDF).


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