Gantry robots

Intelligent technologies for production flow

The gantryRobot allows components weighing up to several tonnes to be efficiently handled with extreme accuracy, speed and repeatability. Our linear robots can be supplied with up to three drive axes as standard, with the option of fitting three more rotary axes on the gantry robot. They have been developed as a standard robot line for easy integration in other automatic machining, welding, or robot assembly equipment.


The modular Service products

For the highest availability and maximum operating life


Güdel Support keeps your downtimes to a minimum: we are accessible by telephone round the clock to provide prompt assistance in the event of a malfunction. We can pinpoint the fault using our remote maintenance facility and soon have your installation back into service. With Güdel, spare parts are made available very quickly, thanks to our worldwide network.

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Güdel Protect prevents malfunctions well before they get a chance to happen: We maintain your installation and replace wear parts at the right time. During our regular inspections, we analyze your systems and detect defects before they can lead to breakdowns.

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Do you wish your processes worked more efficiently? Our experts optimize your processes and machines using the Güdel Improve module. A retrofit solution can equip your installation to meet new requirements and increase your productivity. We also offer training for your employees in the correct operation and professional maintenance of the various systems.

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